老班长 发表于 2017-3-27 20:58:14

HyperSnap v7.29.10 + v8.13.00

MediaCoder是一个免费的通用影音转码工具,它将众多来自开源社区的优秀音频视频编解码器和工具进行整合,让用户可以自由地转换音频和视频文件,可满足各种场合下的转码需求。软件自2005年问世以来,被全球广大多媒体爱好者广泛使用,曾经入围SourceForge.net优秀软件项目,被众多网站和报刊杂志介绍和推荐,其中包括:《CNET》、《PC World》、《ZDnet》、《USA Today》、《New York Times》、印度《Techtree》、德国《Der Spiegel》、德国《Bild》、德国《La Nación》、墨西哥《El Universal》、泰国《Bangkok Post》、德国《Chip》、俄罗斯《Computerra》。MediaCoder FLV/VP8 Edition可以将各种视频文件转换成高质量的Flash Video(支持最新的H.264 F4V以及较早的FLV格式)以及正在逐步流行的WebM/VP8格式。所有转码参数经过优化,以达到同等码率下的最佳画质。软件界面友好,设置简单,易于上手。更新日志v0.8.48.5888:
•Fixed parsing issue for Blu-ray ripped files
•Updated FFmpeg 3.2.4v0.8.48.5885:
•Added Suptitle AviSynth plugin (Bluray subtitle renderer)
•Auto-loading .sup subtitlev0.8.48.5882:
•Fixed an occasional audio decoding blocking issue
•Minor GUI adjustments for Windows 10
•x265 2.3+9v0.8.43.5830:
* Fixed some AviSynth issues
* Fixed multiple file concatenation by AviSynth and FFmpeg as video source
* Improved support for MXF format
* x264 r2692
* x265 1.9+140v0.8.41.5810:
* NVENC 6.0
* FFmpeg 2.8.4
* x265 1.8+188v0.8.40.5802
* Fixed a GUI issue in previous buildv0.8.40.5800
* Fixed WMV file parsing issue
* Updated French translation
* MP4Box 0.5.2 rev1110
* MPlayer/MEncoder svn-r37565 (x64)
* MKVToolnix 8.6.1 (x64)
* x265 1.8+167
* MediaInfo 0.7.80v0.8.39.5790
* New feature of stopping after completion of current job
* FFmpeg 2.8.2
* x265 1.8+106
* MediaInfo 0.7.79v0.8.38.5783
* Fixed Windows XP compatibility issue of build 5780
* Reverted MKVToolnix to 8.0.0 for Windows XP compatibility (x86 only)
* x265 1.8+31
* x264 r2638v0.8.38.5780
* Fixed 2-pass encoding issue with multiple audio tracks
* Updated x265 1.7+482
* MPlayer/MEncoder svn-r37527 (x64)
* FFmpeg git 20150928
* MKVToolnix 8.4.0
* MediaInfo 0.7.77v0.8.37.5770
* Rebuilt with Visual Studio 2015
* Fixed NVENC bitrate control issue for ABR and CQP mode
* Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
* Updated Intel Media SDK Encoder
* MPlayer/MEncoder r37465 (x64 build)
* MediaInfo 0.7.76
* x264 r2597
* x265 1.7+374官方网站**** Hidden Message *****官方下载
**** Hidden Message *****安装版
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**** Hidden Message *****

didikea 发表于 2017-3-28 14:13:22


pppppppp 发表于 2017-3-31 10:34:08


monkeygone 发表于 2017-4-5 10:52:18


sophie22222 发表于 2017-4-6 11:37:18


bbsz5sxz 发表于 2017-4-7 09:18:45


wwwlgq 发表于 2017-6-6 10:08:25


guoyin 发表于 2017-7-10 12:22:41


shjc 发表于 2018-6-11 11:59:56


wypren11 发表于 2020-10-23 10:43:13

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查看完整版本: HyperSnap v7.29.10 + v8.13.00